Awesome Kingston is coming to the Innovation Hub to host their Pitch Party event where they give away a $1,000 no-strings-attached microgrant each month at a public pitch party to make an awesome idea come true. At the pitch party, finalists take the stage to give a 90-second 'elevator pitch' and take questions from the trustees and audience. At the end of the night, the trustees deliberate, and one of the projects walks away with the microgrant- It's that easy
Looking to apply? Follow this link
What is Awesome Kingston
The trustee group is made up of community minded individuals who want to help make Kingston a more awesome city by volunteering time and money to Awesome Kingston. Each of the trustees provides $100 to make up the $1000 microgrant every month. The venues for the pitch parties are provided to us at no charge allowing us to put all the monies collected from the trustees into the grant. It is as simple as local people helping to get local ideas off the ground to keep Kingston Awesome!
Want to be a volunteer, community partner, provide us with some space to hold a pitch party, or become a trustee with Awesome Kingston? Send us an email or tweet at us and let us know!?