Strengthen your Leadership Skills with Toastmasters!
By sarah villeneuve
I have never been a strong public speaker. I’d much rather work from behind the scenes than be in the spotlight. But I realized when entering college that having self-confidence in myself and ultimately my public speaking skills is important to have in any field.
Thankfully, my program gave me lots of opportunities to practice these soft skills in class and in the marketing field. However, not everyone gets these opportunities handed to them so easily.
So how can a student looking to strengthen their soft skills in public speaking and overall leadership find help? Toastmasters has the answer!
Toastmasters exists to provide a mutually supportive and positive learning environment where every member has the opportunity to develop communication and leadership skills. By working through given projects that enable you to build real-world skills in a variety of disciplines, Toastmasters fosters self-confidence and personal growth in its members.
To make this opportunity even better for students, Toastmaster’s has teamed up with the SA and SLC International office to sponsor 8 students to join Toastmasters free of cost. They are looking for students passionate about and dedicated to their own development as a public speaker and leader that could truly benefit from this opportunity. To apply, students must make a pitch about what their goals are and how they will ultimately help give back to Toastmasters with the skills gained.
Interested in this once in a lifetime opportunity?
Write to Christina at to let her know that you would like to meet with the TM@SLC executive team to share your pitch with them.
Want to check out Toastmasters before committing?
Stop in at one of their weekly meetings Wednesdays, 11:45 am – 1:00 pm in room 12000 or their monthly guest speaker meetings in the Innovation Hub.
For more information on Toastmasters @ St. Lawrence College, check out their Facebook page here.